Colon Hydrotherapy
80% of our health risks come from intestinal waste, 80% of our immune system is in our intestines.
Deep cleansing of the large intestine is a MUST!
A person 35 years old has had approx. 38,350 meals, some of these are left behind...
Those left behind cause all the problems!!
Do you experience?
Bad Breath
Aches & Pains
Skin Problems
Rigid Abdomen
Why Colonics?
What is a colonic?
A colonic irrigation gently cleanses the colon by filling and emptying it with body temperature filtered water. You lie relaxed on a table. During the procedure, which usually lasts from 45 to 50 minutes, a trained colon therapist massages your abdomen and varies the water temperature to improve the peristaltic action.
Is it the same as an enema?
Not really. An enema flushes out the lower end of the colon. Colon Hydrotherapy is much more. The colonic reaches far into the colon and gently coaxes fecal matter and debris to release. The cleansing irrigation and exercising benefits far surpass those of an enema.
Is a colonic painful?
No, not usually. There is the pressure of water entering the colon. When the pressure is released the sensation is similar to having a bowel movement. The experience at first may seem foreign, but the body adjusts to the procedure quickly.
Advantages of a clean colon.
The elimination of undigested food and other waste products is as important as the proper digestion and assimilation of food. Wastes allowed to remain too long in the digestive system feed harmful bacteria which interfere with the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. The toxic waste that accumulates can cause diarrhea, constipation, lack of energy and countless other ailments. It is not enough to change your diet. Unless the toxins in the system are removed, they can be reabsorbed. The very best way to rid yourself of the by-products of years of misuse is colon hydrotherapy. There is also a benefit for colonics to be administered before or after radiological or endoscopic procedures.
Your colon and what you eat.
To work at its full potential our system needs clean burning foods that do not hamper the function of the colon. This means a diet rich in raw fruits and vegetables, grains, nuts and sprouts eaten in proper combination. Raw foods act as a magnet, an "intestinal broom" to help keep waste moving along the intestinal tract.
Have your main meal as early as possible. Do not go to sleep at night on a full stomach. Chew your food well - at least 20 chews for each mouthful. Do not eat if ill or emotionally upset. Do not overeat. Put your fork down between mouthfuls. Eat up to six vegetables, two fruits, whole grains and some protein everyday. Vary these foods from meal to meal and day to day. Drink plenty (8 cups) of filtered water each day. Do not drink water with your meals.
Most conventional diets are comprised of refined, greasy or processed foods which, along with heavily cooked starches, eggs, dairy, and meat, can leave a coating of slime on the inner walls of the colon much like plaster on buildings. Instead of furnishing nourishment to the colon, such foods actually starve it. Colon hydrotherapy helps unburden the system of unwanted toxins and washes them away.
How to prepare for a Colonic
24 to 48 hours prior to a clensing we suggest to eat only fruits and vegetables. The amount should be enough to feel totally satisfied. One may eat every 3 hours. Juices, salads, vegetable soups, seeds, nuts, dried fruit, vegetable juice extracts, non-dairy fruit smoothies, water and tea.
Since the colon is going to be cleansed is highly recommended that the digestive tract should be prepared as much as possible so one session is enough to start a total detox. Remember that once the colon has been cleansed, whatever one has ingested will be flowing into it later.
Here is an idea to start a good previous detox:
Start the day with a Smoothie with fruits and veggies, here is a recipe:
1 cup cold water
!/3 cucumber peeled and diced
1 celery stick in pieces
1/2 cup of diced fresh fruit such as apple, pear, pineapple, mango, papaya (avoid melon and watermelon)
1/4 avocado
Juice of 1 lime
4 Spinach or kale leaves
1 cilantro sprig
1 parsley sprig
1/2 cup frozen fruit (strawberry, mango, blueberry, etc)
Sweeten to taste with green stevia, monk fruit, xylitol or agave syrup.
Blend all ingredients for one minute or until totally smooth.
Steamed and Fresh vegetables salad with Cilantro Dressing
First steam the vegetables: green beans, chayotes, broccoli, sweet potatoes, zucchini, carrots, all diced and let cool. Amounts are not specified so just combine whatever you like and if there is any left over you may sauté with salt, pepper and olive oil for another meal.
On a separate bowl add:
2 or 3 lettuce leaves chopped
2 or 3 large spinach leaves chopped
1/4 bell pepper chopped
1/4 cucumber chopped
3 chopped olives
When the steamed vegetables are cool, add them to the bowl.
Cilantro Dressing.
1/3 cup of lime juice
2/3 cup extravirgin olive oil
3 to 4 peeled garlic cloves
1 teaspoon salt
Cayenne pepper to taste
1 whole bunch of fresh cilantro, disinfected (you may combine fresh cilantro and parsley also)
Place in the blender and blend until very smooth. You may place the dressing in a plastic or glass container and refrigerate it. It keeps well for about 30 days.
This dressing may also be used to marinate other foods, like chicken and fish.
Digestive system explained
The digestive system is a series of hollow organs joined in a long twisting tube from the mouth to the anus. The hollow tube includes the mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine or colon, rectum and anus. The adjunct organs are the liver, gall bladder, pancreas and spleen. Nerves and Blood play a major roll in the digestive system.
Inside this tube is a lining called mucosa. The mucosa contains tiny glands that produce juices that contain digestive enzymes to digest food.
These organs produce juices that reach the intestine throughout the small tubes.
When we eat, food is not in a form that the body can use as nourishment. What we ingest must be changed into smaller molecules of nutrients before they can be absorbed into the blood and carried into cells throughout the body. Digestion is the process by which food and drink are broken down into the smallest parts so that the body can use them to build and nourish cells and to provide energy. Digestion begins in the mouth, and is for the most part completed in the small intestine. The food enters the mouth and passes through the esophagus and enters the stomach, which has three tasks to do. It stores the swallowed food & liquid and then mixes up the [food with the digestive juice. Then, the stomach releases its contents slowly into the small intestine. The food is digested in the small intestine where it is dissolved into the juices. Then, the digested nutrients are absorbed through the intestinal walls. The waste products of this process include undigested parts of the food known as fiber and older cells that have been shed from the mucosa. These materials are propelled into the colon, the liquid is absorbed into the colon walls and the solid matter remains until a bowel movement occurs.
If peristalsis (wave like contraction of the intestines) does not occur, and too much fecal matter collects in the colon; or, if the ileo-cecal valve connecting the large intestine to the small intestine malfunctions, the small intestine will not empty properly into the large intestine (colon). If the colon is not stimulated to empty, it remains packed with fecal matter causing a variety of health problems most of which your attending physician can relate to you. Often the colon becomes distorted, inhibiting the flow of feces in a timely manner. The sigmoid can become ballooned or the transverse colon can prolapse, putting pressure on the lower organs. Spasms, strictures and diverticula present elimination problems. Our task is to remove the fecal matter from your colon so that the consequences of poor intestinal integrity can be relieved.
Are you ready to book your appointment?
The Colon Cleansing session is 1 hour long, it costs $1,500 pesos and to confirm the appointment a deposit of $500 pesos is required.
To prepare, you have to follow a previous diet for 48 hours of abundant fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds exclusively, this with the purpose of "loosening" the digestive tract and making the purification more effective.
In most cases, only one session is required if you prepare well before the session and a follow-up program is recommended, which is sent after the treatment.
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